Vaughan - Life Education Series: Buying a Home - The Chef Upstairs

Vaughan - Life Education Series: Buying a Home

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Our first event will be focused on Buying a Home 

In this Life Education Series Event, we will be guiding guests through the “ins and outs” of buying a home. A collection of industry professionals and educators will be discussing:

  • The real estate market
  • Real estate law
  • Mortgages and rates
  • Managing your finances and taxation
  • And what to expect in terms of renovating your new home

The Chef Upstairs is hosting a series of Life Education Events. The aim of these events is to educate people on the life skills that matter most and are often neglected in school curriculum.

All ages are welcome, as we tackle topics like Taxes, Managing Your Money, Buying a Home, and Maintaining a Healthy and Happy Lifestyle. Each event will feature a 15-20 minute presentation from each industry professional, allowing for some Q&A and networking.

The events are ideal for high school, college, and university students, first time home buyers, anyone interested in taking control of their finances, and anyone looking for peace of mind regarding their home, money, body, mind, and soul. Light snacks and drinks will be provided.

Cost is $10 per guest when reserved online, or $15 per guest at the door

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